Friday, October 26, 2012

SCBWI-IA Illustrators Show

The past few months have been busy ones! In August I moved, which is always a major effort because it means taking apart my studio, and transporting all of my work and art that I have collected, plus what seems like a million books. And then comes setting it all back up again (so I try not to move too often if I can help it!)

At the same time I was working to coordinate an exhibit of illustration work from eleven of the SCBWI-IA illustrator members. It is still being held at the Gilded Pear Gallery in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and we had a wonderful turn-out for our opening reception on September 29th.

Owen, the gallery cat, taking ownership of our promotional materials.

Now that my studio is (mostly) set up again and the show is up and running, it's back to the drawing board!

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